Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thanks Mary et al

Wow! Isn't Mary making me look good. The new redesigned look a result of her artistic and techno genius. Its wonderful to be saved by grownup children. Gillian saved me last week. We were working on a tedious and potentially time consuming project - developing assessment questions for job profiles in a succession planning process. I know I have a tendency for theoretical perfection rather than pragmatic realism. I started to get absolutely buried in detail. Jill looked at what I had done and cut right to the chase and we developed a really workable format that fit perfectly within the time frame we were being paid for. Sam's company has created beautiful business cards for my company Capability Connections and is in the process of redesigning the website. If it weren't for the terribly slow client (me) that would have been done. As I enjoy my ipod running and all the cool music on it, I have Greg to thank. Erin is my inspiration as a runner - thanks again for the cool running shirt. Anne is now my model for skiing. She is learning to swoosh turns. Maybe I can too.


mere said...

I can't wait to see the new website! Let me know if there is any copy you need written for it in the meantime. That's what I do here at 3form- web copy!

mere said...

I also wanted to add. Its only fair that we can teach you something now since we owe what we know to you...

Esther Alene said...

I will certainly announce the launch and it is likely that it will need some writing. Thanks Mere