Thursday, February 28, 2008

Missing Cleo

Today I couldn't go running - the hill is covered in fluffy snow. Yesterday I cried as I was running, thinking of Cleo. I am missing her again today. I am in my office supposed to be doing my annotated bibliography for the fourth day in a row. This is truly deadly for an extrovert. I have the space heater on so I don't waste heating the whole house. I wish that Cleo was here sharing the time with me. Her company was comforting. There is a part of me that is just non-verbal and kinaesthetic. A need to express feelings without words. Animals have always been a part of and an answer to that need. Cleo was especially good about that. I also shared that closeness with Misty, my pony. She was an amazing personality. So impatient - always in a hurry to get where we were going. She had no ideas of her limitations - her size. She would race anyone and usually win. If I fell off she would stop immediately and give me a dirty look - get on board and lets finish this! I read in one of my endless articles on organizational learning that what sets us apart from animals is our ability to reflect. Don't get me wrong - I think reflecting is great but sometimes I think it gets in the way. Cleo just caught squirrels, birds whatever. Misty raced and won even though she was only 12 hands high. Red, our Arab stallion, opened gates and doors. Thunderhead rounded up cows on his own just for fun. No constraints - just did it - just for fun. Maybe I need to do more of that.


Dawn said...

Oh no! What happened to Cleo?! So glad we saw her at Christmas. :0)

mere said...

I'm glad you like the new look. I love this perspective on cleo and what we can learn from animals. Cory always says that what he loves about animals is their honesty. They have no concept of being who you want them to be, they just are who they are and their affection for you is just what it is- with no alterior motive. So great to be reminded of that!