Monday, April 14, 2008

Crocuses and Poppies

I had a great run this morning and particularly loved seeing all the crocuses in bloom. They have been out for a couple of weeks but are really all over now. That doesn't seem particularly odd today since it is a pleasant though brisk spring day. Yesterday was 22 degrees and crazy hot. What is more amazing is that just last Thursday there was 4 inches of snow on this same hill. The crocuses are unphased by it all. It made me think - which is always good when I am running - why do they come out so early. I immediately thought about them being brave and strong - weathering frost, snow and heat - whatever weather happens. Maybe on the other hand they are just afraid of insects and want to avoid that plague at any cost.

I also thought about my own interest in courage. When I was in Beehives we had what was called Bandlos - a felt banner kind of thing that you wore diagonally over one shoulder across the chest. It had symbols of awards that were won etc. We had to pick a flower that was a metaphor for the virtures that we were aspiring to. I chose the poppy because it symbolizes courage, bravery and strength. I wonder now whether in that choice I set a course for myself or I simply gave words to what already was a defining value. I have included a picture of myself at that age to give some context.

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